Atlas Dental Europe 2024 is also available in English!
Over the past few months, we have independently completely revised and updated the previous Atlas Dental 2019 study, which we conducted on behalf of the GFDI/VDDI and which officially accompanied the International Dental Show IDS 2019.
The new Atlas Dental Europe 2024 offers you an overview of the structures of the European dental market as a whole and the various national markets, supplemented by many interesting maps and structural overviews. Furthermore, you can look forward to interesting and informative articles on current topics, such as artificial intelligence, senior dentistry, sustainability, and specialist recruitment, currently moving the dental world. Find out to what extent the latest technological developments and political and regulatory framework conditions have influenced the dental market or will continue to do so in the future.
An interactive online version of the study is only available in German. In English, the study can be obtained as a password-protected PDF and, if desired, also as a printed booklet.
You are welcome to place your order by e-mail at